Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hello Autumn!!!!

Here we go again...

It's been a few months since I last posted! I even forgot about my blog for a while there but am glad to be back...

Well I wanted to update regarding my mom and her breast cancer. After she went off chemo about a year ago or so, they put her on hormone therapy which wasn't having very many results so they decided to give her chemo pills. Long story short, mom had a very bad side effect from it the first time she took them (jaw pain, throwing up, etc.) and wasn't taking them consistently due to fear of having the negative side effects again.  Well after some months of being on the chemo pills (after her doctor changed the time of day she took them to relieve her of the side effects), she had a doctor appointment this past Tuesday, the 18th, and as expected her tumor markers increased and the tumor itself increased by a centimeter. Her doctor told her to not even bother with the chemo pills and she is going to do a full pet scan and after those results come in, they are going to figure out another treatment for her to do.

Keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers. I could tell last time I saw her, things weren't going as well because her breathing seemed to be off but I am glad the doctor is going to try another treatment. I hope they give her some type of med that can be used with an IV in the chemo room so my mom isn't in charge of her meds as she obviously won't be consistent with them if she suffers a bad side effect. Shes been fighting this for two years now and continues to have to fight down the road so please take a min to say a little prayer for her please? :-)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stressed, a little overwhelmed...

Long time since I posted!!! Well this post is dedicated to my stress that I have been feeling in regard to finding a job. lol I am interning until June (only a little under 2 more months!!!!) :-0 It's crazy but while I am going to miss NFMS, I need to find a paying job for the upcoming school year.  I have applied to sooo many CT and NY schools for a school counselor job as well as other positions in the schools just to get my foot in the door at some school. In addition to middle and high schools I have applied to West Conn for a counselor position as they are looking. I have also begun to apply to other agency counseling jobs and use that other masters in community counseling in case a school counselor position doesn't come through. I am also going to register for my license in counseling as that opens a lot more doors. I honestly have never felt it was more difficult to find a job than it is right now. Most likely a result of this being a career type of job I'm looking for and not just another job to bring in some income... I am looking for something I will enjoy doing. While I have come to the conclusion that a school counselor position may not come through for September 2012, I will look into other type of counseling as well of course .. please everyone, keep your fingers crossed for me that I find a decent job by September at the latest!!!!

In other news, Jason and I are doing well with our business and don't forget that if you want the best deals AND want to earn cash back for shopping, search our web portal where you can find the best prices on just about anything.  It's definitely a "you don't want to pass up" type of thing. Getting into the business itself is also definitely worth it!!! Contact me if you want some details on this business by either being a customer or a business owner like ourselves.

My mom is doing well. She hasn't been on chemo for a while now and is just receiving the bone strengthener treatment and hormone shot to help with her breast cancer. She is in good spirits and is visiting again this Sunday so I am looking forward to her company again! I miss her!

My brother-in-law is doing well. He no longer needs the feeding tube and is doing well. My sister and the boys seem to be holding up well too. His sight is still not back but I am hopeful it will come back in time!!!! He's a fighter and strong so keep him in your thoughts and prayers that he will CONTINUE to fight and get stronger.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a happy, healthy rest of your week and I will try to update this more frequently!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

All good news...All stuffed into one blog :-D

Haven't updated in a while so here goes as I sit in bed not ready to go to sleep yet... There has been some great news surrounding us lately and I want to share it with everyone so here goes!

She's doing well... We had a short scare there for a while in February though... After arriving back in NY from being in Indiana for a month, she went back to her doctor who felt as though her mass had increased in size so she scheduled a PET scan to get a better look.  After waiting 2 long excruciating and anxiety-provoking weeks, it turns out my mom's mass hadn't increased at all actually... The scan actually showed that there was absolutely no liquid in her lungs anymore and the nodules in her lungs were gone. The cancerous mass had decreased slightly as well... They are continuing to give her the bone strengthening treatment and switched her hormone pills to a hormone shot in which she goes once every 2 weeks until April and then down to once a month afterwards so all is looking up!

Well where to start with this miracle!!! Herb miraculously is doing well and holding his own. After suffering two cardiac arrests in December he has made a tremendous turn-around and is going back home on March 13th! It has been one roller coaster for this guy as well as my sister and their three sons and everyone else in both families but he has made it through! What a fighter! Tests show no signs of a heart attack so it is puzzling at this point what caused his cardiac arrests but he is doing well. He is going to continue attending rehab of course and they decided to definitely put the defibrillator in just in case his heart goes out of rhythm again, it'll shock his heart back into rhythm.  More as a precaution.

No health concerns here but we just became business partners in Market America.  This is a great opportunity to earn a high paying residual income and includes a 2-3 year plan... This can all be done from simply doing comparison shopping and providing the best service to our customers. Now I now what some people would think. "Why should I go to their portal to shop?" "What's the difference if I just go to" Here's the answer...It's really a win win for both the customer as well as us in that the customer also earns a check (cash back) from making purchases through Market America's site (you can shop our web portal at and you can also save hundreds of dollars in doing so! By going to our web portal, not only will you have access to MA's great products but thousands of other stores as well, such as target, and earn cash back.  Instead of always putting your own cash into someone else's cash register, wouldn't it feel awesome to have the money put into your own register too??? If you are looking for a product and can't find it, let us know and we can do the comparison shopping for you and find the best price for you! We just went down to Flushing, NY this past week for a mandatory training and both are ow Certified Independent Market America Distributors! How exciting :-D

Anyways there's some all in all good news and hopefully it keeps coming!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Home Furnishings, Accessories & Home Decoration |

Home Furnishings, Accessories & Home Decoration |

Who wouldn't want to earn cashback when shopping for your favorite products at your favorite stores??? Trust me - I was skeptical at first but it's legit and very lucrative!!! Instead of putting money into someone else' cash register (which is what we are always doing), let's change this and have money put into your own cash register on!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Not this past week that just ended, but the week before last....

Two steps forward, one step back

Just heard from my mom who had a routine check-up for her breast cancer yesterday. After all the progress she has made and everything she has overcome, they noticed it now grew a half centimeter after decreasing in size for the past year and a half. Her doctor also felt a nodule in her neck but mentioned that simply could be nothing as it doesn't move and is very hard, could be just a muscle with a knot in it or something but obviously they are still going to check it out. They are also going to give her a PET scan now and perhaps change around her hormone therapy meds.  I was so happy with all the progress she has made (because after she was first diagnosed, I spent many days in tears). Now I am slightly anxious with this bit of news but I know my mom is a fighter and throughout this whole process, she never lost her sense of humor and strength. I just hope if I ever have to battle the same fight she has, that I can have half the strength and willpower she has kept throughout this whole thing.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Up to my eyes in papers, degrees, transcripts, etc...

Started my work portfolio this past week. I used my internship supervisor's portfolio as a template to know exactly what should be put in there. Well it's been a blast looking through old coursework, papers, degrees, transcripts, client works of art and compiling it all together into a nice white binder called my portfolio. This is going to be something I bring along with me to interviews when I eventually interview for school counseling jobs.  I've put my resume, HVCC and WCSU degrees (I can't find my Daemen degree so I am sending a request for it to get sent to me), my transcripts, old coursework, letters of recommendation (even letters I received from high school teachers lol), IICAPS stuff, some of my favorite activities I've done with clients including my favorite piece of art work from a client. I went through so much old stuff today and stumbled across my old old elementary school year book from 1995!!!! Talk about old school! That's brought me way back and makes me feel so old haha I have never prepared this much for a job before in my life but it all makes sense considering the next jobs I will be applying for and hopefully interviewing for are my final career choice. I've already applied to three different school counseling jobs down in the Westchester area so as it gets closer to the end of the school year, I hope I will hear from them! Again wish me luck!

Little steps...

I haven't been dedicated to going to the gym lately so I have dedicated my work outs to DVDs, whether it's Insanity or Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred which I actually feel more of a workout with those than the gym anyways lol  I have already done Insanity in the past so I decided to dust off my 30 day Shred and give it a shot... Only been doing it for 3 weeks so far only 3 times a week and I have lost an inch around my waist already! Yeahhh... it's a little early to be too excited but whatever I'm posting :-)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fairfield Teachers' Agency

Well, one of the contacts I am using to aide me in my job search, the Fairfield Teachers' Agency (FTA) contacted me Friday to finalize some questions they had regarding my willingness to work in private vs public, innercity, when I would need a job (september), etc.  I am lucky I went to that job fair in December in which I met an admissions recruitment specialist who is also a contact I've been using to keep me in the loop for open positions and she gave me the information to get in touch with agencies who help individuals find jobs in schools.  The lady from FTA said they are finalizing my application now and by April, the action in the schools should speed up and they will be in touch with me in regards to open positions and helping me find a job. Wish me luck that I can find something!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

He's something amazing

Hi there! (Did I just say hi there??? haha I never talk like that. I usually just say "hey" or "hello" lol whatever)

Anyways I haven't blogged in a while so I figured tonight would be a good one since Jason just gave me a pretty good excuse to blog or in this case brag lol So I just came to realize today that my inspection on my car is due this month (YIKES! I am always on top of that stuff but for some reason it got slightly forgotten this time) Also CT doesn't inspect their cars so I hadn't had it done in like 3 yrs when I lived there.  So anyways I am recently in need of new tires and I was going to get them with my next bigger paycheck but that won't be until after my inspection is due sooo Jason, being the wonderful boyfriend that he is, decided to work tonight (one of his side construction jobs) so he can gather up the extra money to pay for my new tires and get my car inspected. How sweet is that???  He always has my back.

This pasrt school year has been a tough time on both of us (me quitting my great and highest ever paying job at IICAPS to do an unpaid internship and him havnig to take a paycut when he started at MetroNorth). As most of you know, I had taken up side jobs of nannying but we all know that isn't coming even close to my old job in pay so it's been harder this past year but he and I both know this is just a temporary thing!  And despite him and I both working so much lately, I have to keep reminding myself that it is worth it and this is just one of the hurdles/sacrifices we have to make.... KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME THOUGH THAT I  DO FIND A SCHOOL JOB FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!!! :-)