Sunday, March 11, 2012

All good news...All stuffed into one blog :-D

Haven't updated in a while so here goes as I sit in bed not ready to go to sleep yet... There has been some great news surrounding us lately and I want to share it with everyone so here goes!

She's doing well... We had a short scare there for a while in February though... After arriving back in NY from being in Indiana for a month, she went back to her doctor who felt as though her mass had increased in size so she scheduled a PET scan to get a better look.  After waiting 2 long excruciating and anxiety-provoking weeks, it turns out my mom's mass hadn't increased at all actually... The scan actually showed that there was absolutely no liquid in her lungs anymore and the nodules in her lungs were gone. The cancerous mass had decreased slightly as well... They are continuing to give her the bone strengthening treatment and switched her hormone pills to a hormone shot in which she goes once every 2 weeks until April and then down to once a month afterwards so all is looking up!

Well where to start with this miracle!!! Herb miraculously is doing well and holding his own. After suffering two cardiac arrests in December he has made a tremendous turn-around and is going back home on March 13th! It has been one roller coaster for this guy as well as my sister and their three sons and everyone else in both families but he has made it through! What a fighter! Tests show no signs of a heart attack so it is puzzling at this point what caused his cardiac arrests but he is doing well. He is going to continue attending rehab of course and they decided to definitely put the defibrillator in just in case his heart goes out of rhythm again, it'll shock his heart back into rhythm.  More as a precaution.

No health concerns here but we just became business partners in Market America.  This is a great opportunity to earn a high paying residual income and includes a 2-3 year plan... This can all be done from simply doing comparison shopping and providing the best service to our customers. Now I now what some people would think. "Why should I go to their portal to shop?" "What's the difference if I just go to" Here's the answer...It's really a win win for both the customer as well as us in that the customer also earns a check (cash back) from making purchases through Market America's site (you can shop our web portal at and you can also save hundreds of dollars in doing so! By going to our web portal, not only will you have access to MA's great products but thousands of other stores as well, such as target, and earn cash back.  Instead of always putting your own cash into someone else's cash register, wouldn't it feel awesome to have the money put into your own register too??? If you are looking for a product and can't find it, let us know and we can do the comparison shopping for you and find the best price for you! We just went down to Flushing, NY this past week for a mandatory training and both are ow Certified Independent Market America Distributors! How exciting :-D

Anyways there's some all in all good news and hopefully it keeps coming!!

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