Monday, January 23, 2012

He's something amazing

Hi there! (Did I just say hi there??? haha I never talk like that. I usually just say "hey" or "hello" lol whatever)

Anyways I haven't blogged in a while so I figured tonight would be a good one since Jason just gave me a pretty good excuse to blog or in this case brag lol So I just came to realize today that my inspection on my car is due this month (YIKES! I am always on top of that stuff but for some reason it got slightly forgotten this time) Also CT doesn't inspect their cars so I hadn't had it done in like 3 yrs when I lived there.  So anyways I am recently in need of new tires and I was going to get them with my next bigger paycheck but that won't be until after my inspection is due sooo Jason, being the wonderful boyfriend that he is, decided to work tonight (one of his side construction jobs) so he can gather up the extra money to pay for my new tires and get my car inspected. How sweet is that???  He always has my back.

This pasrt school year has been a tough time on both of us (me quitting my great and highest ever paying job at IICAPS to do an unpaid internship and him havnig to take a paycut when he started at MetroNorth). As most of you know, I had taken up side jobs of nannying but we all know that isn't coming even close to my old job in pay so it's been harder this past year but he and I both know this is just a temporary thing!  And despite him and I both working so much lately, I have to keep reminding myself that it is worth it and this is just one of the hurdles/sacrifices we have to make.... KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME THOUGH THAT I  DO FIND A SCHOOL JOB FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!!! :-)

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