Sunday, February 5, 2012

Two steps forward, one step back

Just heard from my mom who had a routine check-up for her breast cancer yesterday. After all the progress she has made and everything she has overcome, they noticed it now grew a half centimeter after decreasing in size for the past year and a half. Her doctor also felt a nodule in her neck but mentioned that simply could be nothing as it doesn't move and is very hard, could be just a muscle with a knot in it or something but obviously they are still going to check it out. They are also going to give her a PET scan now and perhaps change around her hormone therapy meds.  I was so happy with all the progress she has made (because after she was first diagnosed, I spent many days in tears). Now I am slightly anxious with this bit of news but I know my mom is a fighter and throughout this whole process, she never lost her sense of humor and strength. I just hope if I ever have to battle the same fight she has, that I can have half the strength and willpower she has kept throughout this whole thing.

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