Friday, December 30, 2011

Cheers to 2012!

Well the time has come - a new year, which to me also means a new beginning.  This year I have a few new resolutions for myself.  First, I am going on a new food diet.  I always say "I'm going to lose 10 lbs" blah blah blah but really all I ever do is go to the gym. I hate how my weight always fluctuates. After I broke up with my ex I lost 30 lbs. He must've stressed me out cause I always tend to gain when I'm stressed lol  I just lost it by increasing my gym motivation and cutting back in the food department. This year, I am going to begin this diet program that Jason's brother has gone on and he lost 45 lbs! I only want to lose 15 lbs but this diet consists of eating more fruits and vegetables, incorporating turkey and special K into my diet and the key is to eating every 3 hours to keep the metabolism up. Soooo as of January 1st, I am going to begin this and wish me luck!!!!!!!

I also have a new year's resolution of becoming more organized. I hate being disorganized so I have recently made files for a bunch of stuff and  this week I did a major "winter cleaning" hehe instead of "spring cleaning" where I practically turned the apartment upside down with all the cleaning and organizing I did. Right now I am feeling very accomplished and I hope it continues throughout the new year.

This year can only bring more success, accomplishments and happiness... I do have to say the year of 2011 brought with it lots of ups and downs - all of which I have bounced back from but this year defintiely had it's roller coaster moments. From my mom going through chemotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer in September, 2010 and seeing her at her worst moments to seeing her at her best moments took a toll on me -  to my brother-in-law recently being hospitalized for suffering a cardiac arrest this month in December - to my uncle always having to go to Boston for appointments with his melonama - and lastly to myself being brought to the ER back in March for violently throwing up including throwing up blood which scared the hell out of me. Luckily and thankfully, everyone is doing well and have been progressing through everything. Mine was just a fluke thing that I fought off after they gave me a prescription for a nausea medication.  In addition to these, I also took a major blow when I had to quit my recent job at IICAPS to do internship. I love my internship and this pay cut is worth it but giving up that income was soo hard for me to deal with for the longest time leading up to quitting the job (despite my unhappiness with being in IICAPS anymore) lol I seriously had some depression issues goin on with having to take the pay cut as bad as that sounds. Not to mention, bein worried about my mom at the time. Jason helped me through that a lot and took on a lot financially to help me through the year. I couldn't have a better partner in crime.
Despite all those hard times, 2011 brought a lot of good times as well. I was able to start an internship at a school to gain some experience as a school counselor. I'm loving the experience, staff and actually look forward to going to work every morning. That is truly telling! Also, I have gained some more customers for Avon and I also was able to find some families (and some of them found me) looking for nannies to do either a routine type of schedule after school hours as well as some occasional weekend hours. So despite me taking a blow with having to quit my job, I was able to find some work and the flexibility is nice.  It's not something I want to do forever, just for the year or until I find an actual school counseling job. Also my cousin is turning 21 TOMORROW - well technically tonight at MIDNIGHT! Sooo needless to say, we are gonna start getting ready to head up to Troy and help her celebrate her fabulous 21st birthday. She can have a drink at midnight! So exciting :-)

Anyways - cheers to 2012. After 2011, this upcoming year can only bring bigger and better things!!!! :-)

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